Hartigan Software

RTI Pro / RTI Lite

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Hartigan Software currently offer four RTI submission products, RTI Pro, RTI Lite, RTI Payroll for Pensions and RTI Payroll Standard.

Both RTI Pro and RTI Lite collect payroll data from a file either created manually or generated by a company's existing payroll application, the data is then processed and submitted to HMRC.

Our RTI Payroll applications calculate payroll data from employee information entered, a file is generated and the data submitted to HMRC.

Our RTI Submission Software has gained HMRC recognition and is used to submit live data to HMRC on a daily basis.

RTI File Submission Software

Hartigan Software provide two RTI file submission packages. RTI Pro offering the full range of services and RTI Lite offering FPS and EPS submissions with input from an Excel Template. Product comparison and pricing is shown at the end of this page

Our Windows PC based RTI software is a desktop application allowing RTI reports to be generated and submitted to the Government Gateway direct from the end user s PC. While most other products require the data to be uploaded to a third party server, our software removes this requirement by providing a direct connection with the Government Gateway, eliminating the potential for data security issues, and removing the dependency on third party web services.

The software is designed to interface with existing payroll packages either directly or by importing data from an Excel template or XML file. The data is validated before being submitted to the Government Gateway so that any data issues can be resolved early in the process thus saving valuable time.

We also offer bespoke software development and can tailor the product to suit a company's individual needs.

RTI Pro RTI Lite
Number of Employees Price Per Annum (excluding VAT)
Number of Employees
Price Per Annum (excluding VAT)
1 - 10 £230 1 - 9 Free
11 - 20 £350 10 - 16 £116
21 - 50 £590 17 - 30 £173
51 - 100 £710 31 - 60 £231
101 - 300 £840 61 - 100 £289
301 - 500 £940
501 - 800 £1,060
801 - 1000 £1,180
1001 - 1500 £1,480
1501 - 2000 £1,770
2001 + P.O.A.

RTI Product Comparison RTI Pro RTI Lite RTI Payroll Standard RTI Payroll for Pensions
Employer Alignment Submission (EAS) Y
Full Payment Submission (FPS) Y Y Y Y
Employer Payment Summary (EPS) Y Y Y Y
Earlier Year Update (EYU) Y
NI Number Verification Request Y
Outgoing Data Provisioning Service Y Y Y
Import of RTI data in HMRC RTI standard XML format Y
Import of RTI data from Microsoft Excel Y Y
Generation and output of BACS random string Y Y
Calculation of PAYE, National Insurance Contributions, and Student Loan deductions Y Y
Calculation of SMP, SAP, SSP, OSPP, ASPP Y
Payslip, P11 and P32 Printing Y Y

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